Best Riesling Alsace

Client: Alsace wines (CIVA)

01 | Challenge

Alsace wines have a good image and a high degree of awareness. But nevertheless, in Alsace it has been felt that in recent years Riesling has lost ownership, that Alsace is less interesting to younger consumers (28-38 years) and that Alsace is losing listings in restaurants. Riesling is one of the main grapes from Alsace that the region wants to focus on. The task was therefore to focus on Alsace Riesling in a qualitative way that generated interest from the industry and not least consumers.

02 | Solution

Organization of a selection of the best Alsace Riesling wines in Denmark selected by eight sommeliers, whom were carefully selected by CIVA/Sopexa. The campaign contained the following elements:

• Selection of "Top 30" out of 100 wines by point system for each wine
• Video from the selection documenting how it took place
• Press release and newsletter about the selection
• Microsite with presentation of the project with the 30 selected wines, information about the importers and link to their website for further sale, explanation of the selection criteria and information on Alsace Riesling

• Communication on social media including competition
• Diploma and caches for all the winning wines/importers
• Sampling the winning wines for 5 wine journalists

In one campaign we managed to reach the entire target group: journalists, bloggers, sommeliers, importers, consumers with the key message: discover the best of Alsace Rieslings - a world reference, complex wines, but also easy to drink, wines made with respect for the environment and for the people who work there.

03 | Result

Alsace Riesling has been noticed in a new and different way to the wine industry and wine enthusiasts. Increased focus has been achieved on Alsace Riesling with a strong branding that the industry has adopted. 30 Alsace Riesling wines have been selected from 108 wines. 

22 producers and importers have had one or more winning wines. In addition to communication with the industry through news mail, press release and advertising, various media initiatives have provided +700,000 contacts.

"We have been working in Denmark, Sweden and Finland with the EHRENBERG SØRENSEN teams for many years. The agency makes us to reach all our goals in terms of communication, promotion and add value of all of our wines and of our region, both to the trade target and to the final consumers. The teams show definitively great proactivity as well as strong reactivity, in PR and in marketing as well."

- Foulques AULAGNON, Export Marketing Manager, Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins d'Alsace.

Interested in this case?

Peter Esper Larsen
Head of Food & Wine in Denmark

+45 (0)24 615 903