Xmas Newsletter

Donnerstag, 10 Dezember 2020

EHRENBERG SØRENSEN Kommunikation wishes a 'Ferry' Christmas and a Happy New Year

Soon, another year will have passed and what an unusual year, it has been. 2020 will forever go down in history as the year of a global pandemic and a year, where we all experienced what a life in isolation and with restrictions is like. 

It has been a most challenging year, but in many ways it has also been a year, that has taught us a lot. A year, where we all came together, although apart. A year filled with flexibility, creativity, optimism and hope. But first and foremost a year, where we were reminded of the importance of having great partnerships.

We thank you for your partnership, friendship and support throughout this year. May the new year bring you peace, health, happiness and prosperity. 
From all of us at EHRENBERG SØRENSEN Kommunikation, 
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Read the full newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/ehrenbergsoerensen/news-from-ehrenberg-srensen-kommunikation-4679705


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